amanita festival
Celeste Piel
Somatic Psychology
To inhabit the skin! It is to activate new sensations that touch provides us, from flexibility, openness, and enveloping. It is to stretch our edges so that vital energy can find its necessary flow and everything arrives naturally. To inhabit the skin is to enjoy being yourself and to discover new ways to connect.
artistas 2024
Celeste Piel
long description. o intermediate.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla convallis libero sed nulla vestibulum, nec hendrerit leo commodo. Sed vitae metus in orci tristique consequat vel eu nulla. Integer auctor magna quis feugiat vestibulum. Donec tincidunt orci at purus efficitur, quis consequat est iaculis. Nunc auctor justo nec justo fringilla, in consequat est dignissim.
To inhabit the skin! It is to activate new sensations that touch provides us, from flexibility, openness, and enveloping. It is to stretch our edges so that vital energy can find its necessary flow and everything arrives naturally. To inhabit the skin is to enjoy being yourself and to discover new ways to connect.